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Content team having a conversation about how to come up with business blog post ideas,
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How to Generate Great Business Blog Post Ideas in Nigeria

How do you maintain the flow of unique business blog ideas when you need to do it consistently for weeks, months and years? Read on as we discuss three data-driven approaches to use to come up with unique ideas for your business blog. We even threw in bonus content for

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How to increase school enrolment flyer

CLOSED: How to Increase School Enrolment [Webinar]

School owners are always hunting for ideas to help them increase school enrolment. Those who have been in the business long enough, would have tried everything from handing out flyers to random people on the street, to flash mobs advertising and even going from door to door looking for prospects.

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Model learning how to remain relevant on social media

Learn How to Remain Relevant on Social Media in 3 Easy Steps

Whether you’re a small business owner, politician or government agency, your relevance to your audience depends on how connected you are through social media. Since social media is always evolving, this can pose a challenge. Therefore, we have compiled three steps that can help you remain relevant on social media

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Staff discussing social media policy


Your staff are moving online in numbers and they are spending more time on the internet. There were 2.07 billion social media users in 2015. By 2020, the number had grown to 3.96 billion active users. With over 90% growth in just 5 years, there is no better time than

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Blank screen to start a blog

5 Reasons to Start a Blog for your Business in Nigeria Now

The entire idea of starting a blog for your business may sound counter-intuitive. You may want to keep your business ideas, perspectives and “secrets” to yourself so that the competition does not steal them. Whereas, blogging entails that you share these ideas.  Also, if you do not start a blog

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Model showing 4 signs that you need a website update

Top 4 Signs that Say you Need a Website Update Right Away

Websites are a crucial part of your digital strategy. About 40% of Nigeria’s over 100 million internet users use search engines for brand discovery. While you may have a website, it is sometimes easy to forget that your pages need to be updated regularly.  Think about your website like a

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Model examining social media presence

Building a Better Social Media Presence in 2021

We are halfway through 2021, a great time to do a mid-term assessment of your business activities on social media. Time to figure out what is working, what is not, what needs to be tweaked and what should be ditched. In this post, we will be examining 3 dos and

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What is your estimated quarterly budget for digital marketing services?
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