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Group photo -Farewell Mr Seye from Slvr Wlf Digitale Staff

Farewells and Hellos to Slvr Wlf Staff

A company is not the place; it is the people – Richard Branson, 2014 Farewell, Seye Omiyefa On June 30, 2023, we said goodbye to Mr Seye Omiyefa. Seye has been with Slvr Wlf since 2020 as the Business Manager. Regarded as a friend, father figure and pillar of support,

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Slvr Wlf is Hiring

Wanted: Social Media Assistant [Closed]

Slvr Wlf Digitale is looking to hire a Social Media Assistant to join our dynamic content marketing team. Our Social Media Assistants (SMA) are online client relationship managers. Therefore, clarity of thought and logical reasoning is a must. SMAs need to speak, write and understand English and have strong communication

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slvr wlf team members posing for a photo

New Staff: Goodbye Francis, Hello Bliss, Mariam

Everything that has a beginning must surely have an end. This time-proven axiom was justified once more on Tuesday, January 31, 2023, as the Slvr Wlf Team gathered in the conference room to bid farewell to one of us, Francis Aderogbin, as he bowed out of the team. As is

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Seven Customer Service Errors Killing Your Business

As the global economy sluggishly recovers from the devastating effects of COVID-19 pandemic, business owners must leverage an enriched customer service experience for growth and stability. A furious customer can switch to your competitor or spread a bad word about your business. With limited control over information flow in this

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How your Brand Reputation Affects your Brand Positioning

Who do people say you are? This question underscores the importance of reputation. Considering that brand means personality, one can deduce that just as a person’s reputation determines who identifies with them, brand positioning influences the choices people make regarding one’s products or services. Certainly, all organisations want a positive

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Government agency

Social Media For Government Agencies in Nigeria

Government agencies in Nigeria embrace social media to interact with other agencies, address issues raised by members of the public and educate people. Though some agencies are more interactive than others, for many, social media handles are a one-way channel. They inform the people and then passively receive their feedback

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Why Brand Communication is Crucial to Business Success

Brand Communication is a tool. And like any tool, it can be used incorrectly. Hence, your communication should inform, enlighten, persuade, remind, teach, and enrich the knowledge of stakeholders about your brand. It should also focus on the strengths and values of your products and services. Thus, your brand communication

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Content Writing Services

Slvr Wlf Digitale Ltd has decades of experience providing content writing services for the business, education and political sectors. We know the jargon used when people search for content related to schools, government agencies, political candidates and startups. Thus, we are best positioned to use targeted keywords (which we update

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